
Logan D. Browning, “Martin Chuzzlewit,” Oxford Handbook of Dickens

Mark Celeste, “Metonymic Chains: Shipwreck, Slavery, and Networks in Villette,” Victorian Review

Lindsey N. Chappell, “Dickensian Dimensions of Time,” Victorian Review

Sophia Hsu, “Citing and Siting in the Nineteenth-Century British Census,” English Language Notes

“The History of Liberal Violence in The Woman in White,” Victorian Review

Helena Michie, “Dickens and Alcohol,” Oxford Handbook of Dickens


Selected Articles In Print:

Logan Delano Browning, “Changing Notes into Pictures: An American Frame for Dickens’s Italy,” Dickens Quarterly (2008)

Lindsey N. Chappell, “The Satirist Abroad: Thackeray, Temporality, and Genre,” SEL (2016)

Anthony Trollope’s Narrative Temporalities and the Emergence of the Middle East,” LIT (2016)

Jennifer L. Hargrave, “Romanticizing the Chinese Landscape,” European Romantic Review (2015)

Marco Polo and the Emergence of British Sinology,” SEL (2016)

Romantic Pretexts: Victorian Literary Appropriations in Anglo-Sino Discourse,” Nineteenth-Century Contexts (2015)

Helena Michie, “Hard Times, Global Times: Simultaneity in Trollope and Gaskell,” SEL (2016)

Adventures in the Archives: Two Literary Critics in Pursuit of a Victorian Subject,” Victorian Studies (2010)

Victorian(ist) ‘Whiles’ and the Tenses of Historicism,” Narrative (2009)

Timothy Morton, “Hyposubjects,” Cultural Anthropology (2016)

“Charisma and Causality,” Art Review (2015)

Alexander Regier, “Anglo-German Connections in William Blake, Johann Georg Hamann, and the Moravians,” SEL (2016)

Selected Books in Print:

Logan Browning, Victorian Hybridities: Cultural Anxiety and Formal Innovation (Johns Hopkins University Press, 2010); coedited with U. C. Knoepflmacher

Helena Michie, Love Among the Archives: Writing the Lives of Sir George Scharf, Victorian Bachelor (Edinburgh University Press, 2015); coauthored with Robyn Warhol

Victorian Honeymoons: Journeys to the Conjugal (Cambridge University Press, 2006).

Confinements: Policing the Reproductive Body (New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press, 1997); coauthored with Naomi R. Cahn.

Sororophobia: Differences among Women in Literature and Culture (Oxford University Press, 1991).

The Flesh Made Word: Women’s Figures, Women’s Bodies (Oxford University Press, 1987).

Timothy Morton, Dark Ecology: For a Logic of Future Coexistence (Columbia, 2016)

Nothing: Three Inquiries in Buddhism and Theory (Chicago UP, 2015); co-authored with Marcus Boon and Eric Cazdyn

Realist Magic: Objects, Ontology, Causality (Open Humanities Press, 2013)

Hyperobjects: Philosophy and Ecology after the End of the World (U Minnesota P,


The Ecological Thought (Harvard UP, 2010)

Ecology without Nature: Rethinking Environmental Aesthetics (Harvard UP, 2007)

Radical Food: The Culture and Politics of Eating and Drinking, 1780–1830, 3 vols. (Routledge, 2000)

Thad Logan, The Victorian Parlour: A Cultural Study (Cambridge University Press, 2001)

Alexander Regier Fracture and Fragmentation in British Romanticism (Cambridge University Press, 2010)