External Conferences
Rice graduate students and faculty in the Nineteenth-Century British Literature Cluster regularly attend national and international conferences, including:
- Dickens Universe and the Winter Dickens Conference
- ICR (International Conference on Romanticism)
- INCS (Interdisciplinary Nineteenth-Century Studies)
- ISSN (International Society for the Study of Narrative)
- MLA (Modern Language Association) Annual Convention
- NASSR (North American Society for the Study of Romanticism)
- NAVSA (North American Victorian Studies Association)
- SLSA (Society for Literature, Science, and the Arts)
Rice was a founding member of the Dickens Project and sends two students each year to participate in the week-long summer Dickens Universe Conference at UC Santa Cruz; these students also present their work at a second conference in the winter, which provides opportunities to develop relationships with faculty and graduate students from many institutions.
Conferences at Rice
- The Wide Nineteenth Century (May 2017)
- Rice Seminar “Exchanges and Temporalities in the Enlightenment, Romanticism, and Victorianism” (April 2015)
- Dickens Winter Conference (April 2011)
- Long Nineteenth Century (October 2010)
- Poetry in the Age of the Novel (March 2007)
- Disciplinary Flashpoints (April 2005)
- 19th-Century Geographies (March 1998)